While we haven't quite passed into the year 2020, I decided to jump the gun a little. The 26th of december carries a lot of meaning for me and the world, and it felt like a good day to start. I have so many dreams and ideas for this business, and I am so excited to get started and implement some of those ideas.
Now first, a little bit about me. My name is Kristin, and I am many things, but mainly I am a healer and a lightworker. Why am I doing this? Why do I chose to step into the life of a healer?
Because I was called to it. My life has not been an easy one, and the things I have lived and seen has made me into the person, into the healer I am today. At 17 I started my first diet, and 15 years later, I finally stopped. At 25 I was diagnosed with BED, binge eating disorder, and at 33, I have managed to heal myself. I had my first panic attack at 20, and today I have reached a point of peace with my anxiety.
I have made this choice because it is my souls purpose. I lived through all of the crap that I did so that you won't have to, because I can show you the shortcut. I want to help you heal. I want to help you find joy and happiness and freedom in your life, and I want to give you hope. Nothing is incuarble. You can heal, you can step out of the situation you are in. The one thing you must have, is the want to do it. I cannot help you if you don't want my help.
I am not promising you that I can heal you one session. But what I am promising you is that I will give you the tools and help you need to move forward in life, whatever that means for you.